About Us

We Won't Rest Until Justice is Served

To those who have been wrongfully convicted and are searching for the truth, we are dedicated to offering unmatched and unwavering support. Our dedication to pursuing justice for those wrongfully accused has been strengthened by our founder's experience watching his father endure an unjust conviction.
Everybody deserves a fair trial, and if there is ever an injustice, it is our goal to make things right. We are motivated by the conviction that justice must be carried out, no matter how long it takes, and that everyone deserves a second chance.
At Project M.I., we provide an unwavering commitment to our clients and strive to ensure that no innocent person goes without the assistance they need. We take pride in being at the forefront of the fight for justice and refuse to stop until every injustice is corrected.
Our team understands that everyone's situation is unique, which is why we tailor our assistance to suit individual needs. We have the necessary skills, experience, and knowledge to pursue the truth and ensure that every person receives their rightful verdict. We have faith in our commitment and will continue to serve all those who need us, no matter how long it takes.

Contact Us

Seek Justice and Free the Innocent

Thank you for your interest in Project M.I. 40.7, Inc. If you know someone who has been wrongly convicted of a crime and is in need of our assistance, please fill out the form below. Our dedicated team of experts is here to fight for justice and work towards securing their freedom. We appreciate your support in our mission to make a difference in the lives of the wrongly convicted.