About Us

Justice for the Innocent, Strength for the Community

Project M.I. 40.7, Inc. is a grassroots advocacy group that fights for justice and seeks the release of individuals who have been wrongly convicted of crimes. Our dedicated and passionate team works tirelessly to give a voice to those who have been silenced by the criminal justice system. With decades of experience in the field, our team members bring a breadth of knowledge and a commitment to delivering results. Whether it’s advocacy, investigations, or representation, we have the skills and expertise to take on your case.
We are driven by a mission to make a difference in the lives of the wrongly convicted without requiring any particular type of evidence or proof. We are committed to investigating claims of innocence, and our experienced and certified case agents carefully gather evidence that can support the case and help secure the individual's freedom.
We work hard to empower the underrepresented and strive to create a sustainable, just system that ensures the protection of individual rights. Our mission is to take on cases without fail, or fail without taking on cases—an impossibility. Every day, we come closer to achieving our goals, and our efforts make a significant impact on the lives of those wrongly convicted of crimes.
Join us in our mission to ensure justice for the innocent. Contact our team of expert professionals today to begin the process of securing the freedom of an individual who has been wrongly convicted of a crime. Together, we can make a real difference.

Contact Us

Seek Justice and Free the Innocent

Thank you for your interest in Project M.I. 40.7, Inc. If you know someone who has been wrongly convicted of a crime and is in need of our assistance, please fill out the form below. Our dedicated team of experts is here to fight for justice and work towards securing their freedom. We appreciate your support in our mission to make a difference in the lives of the wrongly convicted.